• christine.matt56@gmail.com
  • Christine Matthews

    Connect with me to seek clarity and inspiration for your path ahead.

  • Connecting with Animals

    Connecting with Animals to be a voice for them
    and to understand the wonderful messages and gifts they truly bring.

  • Reiki

    The ancient art of Reiki

    Experience the benefits of this widely respected form of energy healing
    for you or your animals

  • Numerology

    The Power of Numbers

    Discover the hidden knowledge and wisdom your birthdate can reveal
    and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships.


A few words before we start..

We live in an amazing time.

A time unlike any other. A time that calls us to a new way of being. Calls us to shift our focus from the old to the new and to the realization that living our lives with authenticity, compassion, kindness and love is pretty much the only way to truly live. It calls us to bring open hearts and minds together to help create, through inspired action, a better world. Navigating through this time however can be a little unsettling (understatement of the century!) as we step into new and unknown territory but it can be incredibly exciting too.

Through our heart centered actions and the feelings of joy, gratitude, warmth and connection that result from those actions, we become part of the incredible force that is changing how we see ourselves, each other and this planet. We become the change! One of my inspired actions has been to create this website with the intention of connecting with others to help bring clarity and understanding during these shifting times and to help them re-align or re-connect with their own heart knowing and wisdom. I look forward to connecting with you.

I have connected with people and animals from all over the world so distance is not an issue. My preference is face to face guidance either on messenger video, face time, or skype...

Raising or bringing awareness to what the animal kingdom truly represents on this planet is an integral part of my life. A deeper understanding of the creatures we share this world with...

Discover the hidden knowledge and wisdom your birthdate can reveal and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships....

I also offer Reiki sessions either for you, or your animal. This ancient Japanese healing art is one of the most well known and respected methods of energy healing available today and is recognized and used in hospitals and clinics...


Other peoples experiences with Christine

Connect with me to seek clarity and inspiration for your path ahead