• christine.matt56@gmail.com

Numerology - The Power of Numbers

Discover the hidden knowledge and wisdom your birthdate can reveal and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships.

Numerology means different things to different people. It is an art or science (depending on viewpoint) that has been around for many hundreds of years and can be as complex or simple as we choose to make it

For me, the magic of numerology is in its potential to help develop and grow a greater sense of self compassion and love, to enhance and deepen our awareness of who we truly are, and to cultivate more understanding, compassion and kindness towards others.

I offer intuitive numerology sessions of 60 mins for an in depth reading or 30 mins for an overview of your birth numbers. I also offer 15 mins mini sessions which are ideal for groups/fundraising events. Please contact me for further information.

US$65 60 minute session, $35 30 minutes, $20 15 minutes

Numerology Disclaimer
Numerology sessions are not intended as a replacement or alternative for professional health care and do not diagnose, offer health related or medical advice or prescribe medication. For all health related concerns please consult your licensed healthcare professional.

Connect with me to seek clarity and inspiration for your path ahead